After thinking about Gallipoli and other Australian films I have come to somewhat of a conclusion:

I think the thing I like the most about Australian films is that I generally walk away from them feeling somewhat fulfilled and left with a sense of national pride. This may be because the directors incorporate techniques to pull distinct strings within the audience. But personally I think it’s more about what I identify as being characteristically Australian, recognising it within a film and its characters, therefore forging a greater connection with the film. And then comes the overwhelming feeling of relief and pride when Australian characters prevail through use of characteristics like mateship, loyalty, practicality, bravery and sometimes even anti-authoritarianism.

I’ve also realised the pride I feel when anything Australian is recognised on an international scale, particularly within the film industry, such as directors, cinematographers, animators, actors and even the films themselves. I’m not sure if this comes from a national subconsciousness of inferiority in relation to other countries, which is definitely possible, or just because I like to boast and take ownership of particular films and people, “oh, thats David Wenham! I love him! He's an Aussie!”.
Anne Barnes
4/10/2010 06:46:26 pm

Hi Annika

well written blog and good to see all your thoughts coming through. re Americanization, just to clarify - the process of modernisation... the moving out of certain time in politics, religion, war/peace, defining 'australian', australia ... and moving forwards into a free market economy. the nostaligic pull to stay in what is known and not give up to what could be... i.e americanization as 'modern' - Greg goes back to 'the mother country' - to the old values.... May pay to read over the Bell reading to get a stronger grasp ...
hope this helps..

Anne Barnes
4/10/2010 06:48:51 pm

'on being Australian'
blog is fine - but think about beefing up your writing with insights backed by a little research... taking an idea a little further.


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